The Canadian Experience Class program is managed by the Express Entry program. In order to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program the prospective immigrant must at least meet these requirements:
- Meet the required language requirements
- A temporary foreign worker that has worked at least one year full-time (or equivalent) in the three years before submission in a skilled position (classified with NOC codes O, A or B. These are managerial occupations, professional occupations, technical occupations or skilled trades such as: Supervisors, Welders, Mechanics, Accountants, Nurses, Computer Programmers, Engineers, etc… You must have acquired your work experience with the proper work or study authorization)
- No need to prove settlement funds
- Work experience gained in Quebec counts but self employed or while waiting for a refugee decision does not.
Applicants will be assessed on two requirements for temporary foreign workers:
- Work experience;
- Ability in English or French;
As with all the permanent resident programs, the candidate’s spouse / common-law partner and dependent children will benefit from the permanent residency application as well.
Please fill in the form for assessment and we will contact you shortly.